Monday, April 16, 2012

#Monsanto: The power of one activist: Mother takes on Monsanto, and wins global prize

Hats off to this mother of three who got fed up and took charge. Thirteen years ago, Sofía Gatica’s newborn died of kidney failure after being exposed to pesticides in the womb. After the despair came anger, then a fierce determination to protect the children in her community and beyond.

Today, she’s one of six grassroots leaders from around the world receiving the Goldman Environmental Prize, in recognition of her courageous — and successful — efforts.

We at Pesticide Action Network are deeply honored to host Sofía as she travels to San Francisco for tonight’s ceremony and celebration. And personally, I look forward to meeting a mom with the chutzpa to take on Monsanto to protect her children.
Pesticides drift from GE soy fields

Sofía lives in Ituzaingó Annex, a working-class neighborhood of 6,000 bordering commercial soy farms in the province of Còrdoba in Argentina 

.Sofia Gatica, 2012 Goldman Award

Argentina is the third largest exporter of soybeans in the world. It is also the third largest producer of genetically engineered (GE) crops worldwide, following closely behind the U.S. and neighboring Brazil. The explosion of GE soy production in Argentina has brought with it dramatic increases in pesticide use, and specifically aerial spraying of Monsanto’s weedkiller, RoundUp. Spraying of the antiquated insecticide endosulfan was also common until this year. Its use is now banned in Argentina as it moves toward a global phaseout under the Stockholm treaty....read more

Read more: http://www.momsrising.org/blog/mother-takes-on-monsanto-wins-global-prize/#ixzz1sEP1aNvJ


Thursday, April 12, 2012

#NASA Global Warming :50 top U.S. astronauts and scientists reject man-made global warming

March 28, 2012

The Honorable Charles Bolden, Jr.
NASA Administrator
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001

Dear Charlie,

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) refrain from including unproven remarks in public releases and websites. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated, especially when considering thousands of years of empirical data.

With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from the GISS leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.

The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASA’s history of making an objective assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public statements.

As former NASA employees, we feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate. We request that NASA refrain from including unproven and unsupported remarks in its future releases and websites on this subject. At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.

For additional information regarding the science behind our concern, we recommend that you contact Harrison Schmitt or Walter Cunningham, or others they can recommend to you.

Thank you for considering this request.


(Attached 50 signatures)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

#Monsanto Documentary : Poison And Genes

Uploaded by on 9 Nov 2008

Monsanto invents, produces and sells genetically modified seeds. As a chemical producer of saccharin and caffeine founded in 1901, Monsanto (and Dow Chemical and Diamond Shamrock) manufactured the higly poisenous herbicide and defoliant Agent Orange for the war in Vietnam which was excessivly used. About 80 000 m³ of Agent Orange was sprayed across South Vietnam. 4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to agent orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children born with birth defects. Agent Orange also increases the risk of various types of cancer and genetic defects. Shortly after the Vietnam War veterans reported various health complications which can be traced to exposure to Agent Orange. No Vietnamese have ever received any kind of compensation.

Monsanto produces Posilac, a hormone to increase milk production of cows. In the US it is used on a third of all dairy cows. In Canada and in Europe it is prohibited because of many side effetcs and deseases.

Monsanto is world leader in the field of bio-engineering and has branches in 46 countries. 90 percent of the cultivated genetically modified organisms, including soybeans, canola, corn and cotton, are Monsanto patents. The practices of this company worldwide under criticism. "They want to control everything and seed make all the food production in the world their property," says a farmer on Monsanto,

Cotton cultivation in India. Monsanto owns nearly all seed companies. The farmers can only buy genetically modified BT cotton seeds, four times as costly. This BT cotton is resistant against some pests, but new, previously unknown diseases accured. Every year farmers have to take large loans to buy seeds and then go bankrupt. They are left broke to starve, every year, hundreds of them commit suicide. The local agricultural scientists speak of a disaster.

This an indirect consequence of what was promoted as boon green genetic engineering, Even the U.S. soyafarmers are afraid of Monsanto: "Monsanto spread fear and terror among the farmers."

Monsanto holds patents on genetically enginerered seeds - a kind of copy protection - which allowed the farmers do not to retain any harvest for the next year. To check the fields of farmers,
Monsanto has a "gene police", Monsanto also offers "terminator seeds", hybrid seeds, which after harvesting cannot be used again again for sowing.

Since 1999, Monasanto has fortified and expanded it's dominant position, with acquisitions for more than 13 billion U.S. dollars for seed companies and significant patents on genetic engineering methods and genes. Everywhere in the world today are transgenic organisms from Monsanto.

This documentary is based on unpublished documents and comments from victims, scientists, representatives of citizens groups, lawyers, politicians and representatives of state, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Director Marie-Monique Robin spent three years on the research. She went to North and South America and in Europe and Asia, and spoke with farmers in India, Mexico and Paraguay, to reconstruct the history of today's most powerful seed producer in the world.

The advertising campaigns showing the image of a clean and environmentally friendly company of "science for life" gets deep cracks.

Can basic food be a target of global trading company? A merciless hunter for monopoly and market leadership striving company?


#Monsanto Birth Defects :Monsanto ‘Knowingly Poisoned Workers’ Causing Devastating Birth Defects

In a developing news piece just unleashed by a courthouse news wire, Monsanto is being brought to court by dozens of  Argentinean tobacco farmers who say that the biotech giant knowingly poisoned them with herbicides and pesticides and subsequently caused ”devastating birth defects” in their children. The farmers are now suing not only Monsanto on behalf of their children, but many big tobacco giants as well. The birth defects that the farmers say occurred as a result are many, and include cerebral palsy, down syndrome, psychomotor retardation, missing fingers, and blindness.
The farmers come from small family-owned farms in Misiones Province and sell their tobacco to many United States distributors. The family farmers say that major tobacco companies like the Philip Morris company asked them to use Monsanto’s herbicides and pesticides, assuring them that the products were safe. Through asserting that the toxic chemicals were safe, the farmers state in their claim that the tobacco companies ”wrongfully caused the parental and infant plaintiffs to be exposed to those chemicals and substances which they both knew, or should have known, would cause the infant offspring of the parental plaintiffs to be born with devastating birth defects.”...read more

Friday, April 6, 2012

#Monsanto Threatens to Sue Vermont if Legislators Pass a Bill Requiring GMO Food to Be Labeled

Source: AlterNet

The world’s most hated corporation is at it again, this time in Vermont.

Despite overwhelming public support and support from a clear majority of Vermont’s Agriculture Committee, Vermont legislators are dragging their feet on a proposed GMO labeling bill. Why? Because Monsanto has threatened to sue the state if the bill passes.

The popular legislative bill requiring mandatory labels on genetically engineered food (H-722) is languishing in the Vermont House Agriculture Committee, with only four weeks left until the legislature adjourns for the year. Despite thousands of emails and calls from constituents who overwhelmingly support mandatory labeling, despite the fact that a majority (6 to 5) of Agriculture Committee members support passage of the measure, Vermont legislators are holding up the labeling bill and refusing to take a vote.

Instead, they’re calling for more public hearings on April 12, in the apparent hope that they can run out the clock until the legislative session ends in early May.

Read more:


Saturday, March 24, 2012

#Poland's #Monsanto Action Lays Thousands Of Dead Bees On Government Steps

March 23, 2012

Food Freedom

On March 15, over 1,500 beekeepers and their allies marched thru the streets of Warsaw, depositing thousands of dead bees on the steps of the Ministry of Agriculture, in protest of genetically modified foods and their requisite pesticides which are killing bees, moths and other agriculturally-beneficial insects around the globe.

Later that day the Minister of Agriculture, Marek Sawicki, announced plans to ban MON810, which has become ineffective at deterring pests in the US.

GM crops and the pesticides used with them have led to a host of problems (itemized here), including the development of new pathogens.  One is associated with spontaneous abortion in cattle and another is responsible for massive methane foaming on manure lagoons which explode, killing thousands of animals in the US since 2001.

The Polish Beekeepers Association organized the protest, joining forces with International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside (ICPPC) and the Coalition for a GMO Free Poland.  Targeting Monsanto’s MON810 GM corn in particular, they also called for a complete ban on all GM crops and harmful pesticides.

In 2008, the Polish Parliament banned GM feed, including both the planting and importing of GM crops. “Despite this progressive step,” reports Food Travels, “the European Commission has refused to accept regional bans on GMOs, keeping Polish farmers, producers, and activists on the offensive.”

Regardless, says the ICPPC, “None of the nine European Union countries that have already prohibited MON 810 did so by asking the permission of the EU.”

Beekeepers dressed in their traditional working uniforms and ran their hive smoke guns as they marched.  Some wore yellow jackets with the misattributed quote of Albert Einstein warning that if bees were to die, humanity would soon suffer the same fate.  Though he did not say it, it’s true.  Most food crops rely on bees for pollination.

Others wore a variety of original costumes, sported signs and banners and carried bee-like objects to draw attention to the plight of these all-important pollinators.  More pictures at Stop GMO Festival.

The ICPPC is asking Polish residents to write Minister of Agriculture Marek Sawicki, demanding that he implement an immediate moratorium on GM crops, without waiting for EU approval:

e-mail: marek.sawicki@minrol.gov.pl

tel.: 0048 226231510; fax: 0048 226231788

The Organic Consumers Assn. collected info about other actions around the planet during the Shut Down Monsanto Days of Action last week, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Greece, Romania and, of course, the US.

By Rady Ananda

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

#Vaccine Nation :Flu Shots Contain Thimerosal, which is 49.6% mercury, one of the most toxic substances on the planet.

 Vaccine Nation,  the latest book by David Lender

The current debate in the U.S. on vaccine safety portrayed in the novel is real.  My primary inspiration for writing Vaccine Nation was my exposure to the vaccine debate through my fiancé’s work as a documentary filmmaker in the health-related field, including films on ADHD and related drugging of children, and on vaccines and autism. 

The facts in Vaccine Nation are accurate, based on my exposure to them through Manette’s films and my own research.  People will find some of them shocking.  For example, in 1986, Congress granted immunity to the pharmaceutical industry for liability related to their vaccines for the National Immunization Program.  Vaccines in the childhood vaccination schedule contain toxic substances like aluminum, formaldehyde and the chemical compound in anti-freeze. 

The flu shot still contains thimerosal, a preservative that is 49.6% mercury.

The controversy represented in Vaccine Nation surrounding the safety and side effects of vaccines, and vaccines’ suspected relationship to the autism epidemic are still real.  The debate on vaccine safety is ongoing and increasing: recent CDC statistics show that 10% of parents (up from 2% to 3%.) are avoiding or delaying vaccinating their children because of concerns about vaccine safety.

As such, Vaccine Nation is a dramatization of this debate, presented in the form of a thriller that will hopefully both entertain you and make you think.


John P Wheeler Murder - Last News On The Murder Investigation - December 31st 2011

On Dec. 31, 2011 the News Journal included the murder of former Pentagon official John P. Wheeler III in their "Delaware stories of the year" roundup. Newark's Lt. Farrell, who became a familiar face during the yearlong investigation that continues today, said "There's no new information" on the case that continues to stump law enforcement..

"We're still hopeful somebody's going to come forward to provide information that's going to help us," the police spokesman said.

With unsolved homicides and crime plaquing the nation, the man behind the Vietnam Veteran Memorial building success eventually lost his prominent place in the media spotlight and his case has grown cold. Even the full-time detective assigned to the case initially has been assigned to other duties, according to Farrell.

But Farrell hopes the days surrounding the anniversary of John Wheeler's murder will "generate more interest in the case from the public."

Continue reading on Examiner.com Police hope anniversary of John P. Wheeler III murder helps investigation - National Criminal Profiles | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/criminal-profiles-in-national/police-hope-anniversary-of-john-p-wheeler-iii-murder-helps-investigation#ixzz1pjj2Dlah

#EPA Superfund : 10 Toxic Chemical Sites Added to EPA Superfund


Sunday, March 18, 2012

#France : #Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning in France

By Dr. Mercola
Most people do not realize that genetically engineered foods were only approved in the U.S. because the FDA hid 40,000 documents indicating their extreme toxicity.
Countries around the globe are making it increasingly clear that they're not going to continue to let Monsanto abuse the health of their people and environment without putting up a fight. 
On the heels of being sued by India's National Biodiversity Authority on biopiracy charges, France has found the biotech giant guilty of chemical poisoning in a case involving a French farmer....read more

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

#Epilepsy: Flu Vaccine May Bring On Epilepsy in 10% Of Children...

MB Comment: The CDC admits that 10% of kids who have a first seizure can develop epilepsy. Epilepsy is also common in autism. Here we have an article discussing the Vaccine Journal linking seizures in young children to the flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine. Parents should consider the risk of their children getting permanent neurological damage from vaccines before consenting to the needle thrust on them by their pediatrician. Most pediatricians are ignorant of this risk or won’t admit to it when they are pushing their money-making vaccines in brief so-called well child visits.

‘A recent set of articles in Vaccine has confirmed previous preliminary reports that young children who received influenza shots in the 2010-11 flu season had a slightly increased risk of a febrile seizure after vaccination, especially if they received a new pneumococcal vaccine at the same time …

The findings have not prompted any change in the federal recommendations for flu and pneumococcal vaccination in young children, but federal officials called for warnings to healthcare providers and parents, according to the discussion article. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended the warnings after a subcommittee studied the data.

The prescribing information for Fluzone TIV was updated for this season to include “febrile convulsions” in the postmarketing experience section, says the report, and the Vaccine Information Statement for TIV was updated to include similar information. The package insert for PCV13 notes that febrile seizures were seen in vaccinees during prelicensure clinical trials, the article says.’..read more


#PCV13 #Prevnar 13 Vaccine - Increased Risk of Seizures

Combining the annual flu shot with other vaccines -- particularly the pneumococcal PCV13 vaccine -- may increase a child's risk of a seizure associated with high fever.

It's a small risk of a scary but not very dangerous seizure. About one in 25 kids under age 5 get a febrile seizure (seizure associated with high fever). Getting the two vaccines together increases this risk by about one case per 1,600 double vaccinations in children aged 12 to 23 months.

The new data come from a CDC investigation of an apparent increase in febrile seizure in kids getting flu shots, first reported in January. Preliminary results of the investigation were reported at today's meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), a panel of outside experts that recommends U.S. vaccine policies.

"This adds perhaps 60 seizures per 100,000 children. And the good news is, if it were to happen, it would be on the day of or the day after vaccination, so parents can know what to look for,"Frank DeStefano, MD.

Source: WebMD, 23rd February 2011.

VAN UK's Comment: They think it's GOOD that seizures happen on the day of vaccination!?!

Febrile Seizures Associated with TIV & PCV13

The 2011-2012 inactivated influenza vaccine VIS states that, “young children who get inactivated flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine (PCV13) at the same time appear to be at increased risk for seizures caused by fever.”

ACIP chose to include this statement on the VIS to inform parents of this potential risk.

Increased rates of febrile seizures have been reported among children, especially those 12 through 23 months of age, who received simultaneous vaccination with TIV and PCV13, compared with children who received these vaccines separately. However, because there are risks associated with delaying either of these vaccines, ACIP does not recommend administering them at separate visits or deviating from the recommended vaccine schedule in any way.

Febrile seizures are not uncommon, occurring in 2% to 5% of all children; and they are generally benign.

Source: CDC Note to Providers.

Monday, March 5, 2012

#MMR Vaccine: #Murdoch and the Destruction Of Dr. Wakefield

#Finland :#Pandemrix-induced narcolepsy -Swine flu narcolepsy children to get payout

Youngsters who contracted narcolepsy in Finland after being inoculated against swine flu are to be compensated by the medical council.

A total of 92 people have already made claims to the Finnish Medical Insurance pool after they or their children became afflicted with the sleep disorder after taking the Pandemrix vaccine.

Each case will be investigated individually, so no compensation rate has yet been set. Costs for travel, medication and medical assistance incurred as a result of Pandemrix-induced narcolepsy can be redeemed under the scheme. Any loss of earnings incurred by the parents of a sick child could also been claimed back.

Finland’s Institute for Health and Welfare, as well as other recognised bodies across Europe, has supported research demonstrating the link between the vaccine and the onset of narcolepsy. Once the EUR 30 million compensation fund is exhausted, the government will take responsibility for the remainder of the payouts.

Read more: http://www.icenews.is/index.php/2011/10/16/swine-flu-narcolepsy-children-to-get-payout/#ixzz1oH3J8MGC

#Glaxo :#Pandemrix -Social Minister promises compensation to narcoleptic children

Controversial vaccination
Published: söndag 12 februari kl 13:10 , Radio Sweden
Children and teenagers who developed narcolepsy after being administered the swine flu vaccination will be given compensation, Social Minister Göran Hägglund today told Swedish Radio News. The statement comes after parents of the affected demanded compensation from the government today.
More than 150 children are believed to be affected after receiving the Pandemrix vaccine. Parent Thomas Norberg thinks more families may come forward after a series of reports on the vaccination drive in the daily Svenska Dagbladet.

When medical company GlaxoSmithKline sold the vaccine to the Swedish health authorities it signed off responsibility for any future side effects, which means any claim for compensation is a matter for the Swedish state.

Social Minister Göran Hägglund told Swedish Radio News that "there will be some kind of compensation but we are still looking at the details".


#Ireland : #Pandemrix.-Almost 800 adverse reactions to swine flu vaccine identified

THE SWINE flu vaccine has topped the list of drugs responsible for the largest number of suspected adverse reactions, new figures show.

A total of 779 suspected adverse reactions were linked to the vaccine between 2010 and 2011.

Most of these were relatively mild, such as localised swelling, gastrointestinal problems and flu-like symptoms.

However, health authorities have identified up to 30 cases of young people with the sleeping disorder narcolepsy as part of an investigation into a possible link between the condition and the swine flu vaccine, Pandemrix.

Health authorities insist the vaccine is safe and that the risk-benefit balance for the jab remains positive.

The Irish Medicines Board said the high reporting rate linked with the pandemic vaccine reflected “both the extent of usage and repeated requests and reminders by the IMB and Health Service Executive for reporting of experience with their use”.

It added that the place of a medicine on an overall list of adverse reactions could not be taken as an indicator of safety or risk.

“The number of reports received cannot be used as a basis for determining the incidence of a reaction as neither the total number of reactions occurring, nor the number of patients using a medicine is known,” it said in a statement.

Overall, figures requested by The Irish Times show there were just over 6,000 adverse reaction reports from January 2010 to December 2011.

The anti-psychotic drug Clozapine, also known as Clozaril, ranks second-highest in the number of adverse reactions (543).

Common adverse effects of the drug include dizziness, rapid heartbeat, constipation, excess saliva production and weight gain.

The vaccine that protects girls against cervical cancer – the HPV vaccine – was responsible for the third highest number of reactions (507), followed by the vaccines used in childhood immunisation (379).

The Health Service Executive, meanwhile, has said that it is working to identify any potential cases of narcolepsy as part of ongoing clinical research into any possible link.

Preliminary data from Finland and Sweden in 2010 linked an increase in narcolepsy among young people with Pandemrix.

Swedish data estimated the vaccination might cause three cases of narcolepsy for every 100,000 vaccinations.

However, a more recent study has suggested that narcolepsy is triggered by the swine flu infection and not by the vaccine.

The young people in Ireland affected range in age from five to 21 years old. HSE clinics administered more than 900,000 doses of Pandemrix in 2009 and 2010.

The use of Pandemrix is no longer recommended in Ireland and GPs have been advised to return any remaining stocks.

This year’s seasonal flu vaccine does not contain Pandemrix.

Authorities in Finland have begun a compensation process that includes an initial payment and ongoing assessment of needs.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

#IMB:Vaccine #Pandemrix -Three deaths may have link to flu jab

Three patient deaths have been reported to the State's drugs monitoring agency relating to administration of the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix in the past two years, according to figures obtained by irishealth.com

The deaths occurred in a baby whose mother was given the vaccine, and in two elderly people.

And the Irish Medicines Board (IMB) has told irishhealth.com that 139 deaths were linked to medicines in the top 10 list* (see below) that had the highest number of reported adverse reactions from January 2010 to December 2011.

The IMB has stressed that that three deaths reported to it in patients exposed to Pandemrix does not necessarily indicate a direct link between the vaccine and the deaths.

The Medicines Board says in many cases where patients' deaths were linked to drug or vaccine reactions, the death may have been caused by other factors, such as underlying illnesses or progression of the patients' disease, and many of the patients taking drugs where fatalities were reported were already seriously ill.

However, the Medicines Board cannot state for certain exactly how many of the deaths reported to it among those taking medicines may have been directly linked to a reaction to a particular drug/vaccine.

It says of those fatal reports received in relation to Pandemrix, two of the patients were aged over 80 years and were reported to have had pneumonia.

In the third case, the death reported was of a newborn infant.

Howwever, the IMB said the baby, whose mother had previously been given the Pandemrix vaccine, was seriously ill and had multiple post-birth complications. It said the infant's death was unlikely to have been a direct fatality as a result of an adverse reaction to the vaccine.

The deaths were recorded among 779 reports of adverse reactions to pandemic flu vaccines given to the IMB over the two-year period.

There have been reports of a possible link between Pandemrix and the sleeping disorder narcolepsy in young people.

The IMB said many people who received the H1N1 vaccines had chronic underlying medical conditions which put them at greater risk of developing serious complications.

Source: Irish Health, 29th February 2012.

#Kerala:Killer vaccine - Four children die in Kerala after administration of pentavalent vaccine

Four children have died in Kerala after they were administered pentavalent vaccine, which was introduced by Kerala government in its Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) on December 14, 2011. However, whether the administration of pentavalent vaccine is the reason for the death of these children is yet to be established.

According to sources, a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has been filed by an NGO called Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) in the Kerala High Court at Ernakulam on behalf of parents of a female baby Ancy who died after receiving pentavalent vaccine on December 15, 2011. In the PIL, the HRLN has prayed to the court to stop vaccinating pentavalent vaccine to the other children as there is risk of death due to the vaccine. The PIL was filed on February 16 this year.

Advocate Sandhya Raju, who is representing the HRLN in the case, said that the untoward incident involving the 56-day old female baby Ancy happened on December 15 a day after she was administered the first dose of pentavalent vaccine at the community health center at Vithura in Thiruvananathapuram district on December 14, 2011. On the same day of vaccination, the baby developed fever and the next day she died.

Sources said that in the second case at Kattakkada, Thiruvananathapuram, another baby died after administering the pentavalent vaccine. In this case, the child had reaction on way home from government hospital after vaccination. They went back to same government hospital. But the child died there. The hospital asked to do post-mortem which the parents declined.

Experts argue that if the reaction occurred after the injection and there was no other cause for the reaction it must probably be due to the vaccine.

Source: Pharmabiz, 1st March 2012.

#Nandgaon : #OPV Vaccine - 8 Month old Baby Dies after Polio Drops

The Adverse Effects Following Immunisation (AEFI) committee at Ratnagiri, constituted by the state health department, will analyse the death of an eight-month-old baby girl who had received oral polio vaccine (OPV) drops in Nandgaon village on Sunday. The health department has also asked officials concerned to send a sample of the batch of polio vaccine administered to the baby for testing and analysis.

The eight-month-old baby girl who had received OPV drops at an immunisation booth at Nandgaon village in Ratnagiri district on Sunday around 11.30 am, developed convulsions around 5.30 pm and died at a private hospital at 8 pm, health officials said.

L S Sale, district health officer, Ratnagiri, said, "The baby girl was administered OPV at an immunisation booth set up at village Nandgaon at 11.30 am on Sunday. The family took the baby and her sisters back home. At around 5.30 pm, the baby developed symptoms following which she was rushed to a private hospital in Kervan, where she died at 8 pm."

"The baby had a history of fall. We are suspecting that an internal head injury might have caused convulsions in the baby," Sale said, adding, "All the other children who were vaccinated in Nandgaon are fine. Each vial of polio vaccine contains 15 to 18 doses. The other babies who received drops from the same vial are fine."

The authorities are trying to say it is a coincidence, like they do with all vaccine deaths.

Source: Times of India, 21st February 2012.

#Denmark : Vaccine #DTaP - Increased Risk of Febrile Seizures after DTaP

Context Vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccine carries an increased risk of febrile seizures, but whether this risk applies to the acellular pertussis vaccine is not known. In Denmark, acellular pertussis vaccine has been included in the combined diphtheria-tetanus toxoids-acellular pertussis–inactivated poliovirus– Haemophilus influenzae type b (DTaP-IPV-Hib) vaccine since September 2002.

Objective To estimate the risk of febrile seizures and epilepsy after DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccination given at 3, 5, and 12 months.

Design, Setting, and Participants A population-based cohort study of 378 834 children who were born in Denmark between January 1, 2003, and December 31, 2008, and followed up through December 31, 2009; and a self-controlled case series (SCCS) study based on children with febrile seizures during follow-up of the cohort.

Main Outcome Measures Hazard ratio (HR) of febrile seizures within 0 to 7 days (0, 1-3, and 4-7 days) after each vaccination and HR of epilepsy after first vaccination in the cohort study. Relative incidence of febrile seizures within 0 to 7 days (0, 1-3, and 4-7 days) after each vaccination in the SCCS study.

Results A total of 7811 children were diagnosed with febrile seizures before 18 months, of whom 17 were diagnosed within 0 to 7 days after the first (incidence rate, 0.8 per 100 000 person-days), 32 children after the second (1.3 per 100 000 person-days), and 201 children after the third (8.5 per 100 000 person-days) vaccinations. Overall, children did not have higher risks of febrile seizures during the 0 to 7 days after the 3 vaccinations vs a reference cohort of children who were not within 0 to 7 days of vaccination. However, a higher risk of febrile seizures was found on the day of the first (HR, 6.02; 95% CI, 2.86-12.65) and on the day of the second (HR, 3.94; 95% CI, 2.18-7.10), but not on the day of the third vaccination (HR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.73-1.57) vs the reference cohort. On the day of vaccination, 9 children were diagnosed with febrile seizures after the first (5.5 per 100 000 person-days), 12 children after the second (5.7 per 100 000 person-days), and 27 children after the third (13.1 per 100 000 person-days) vaccinations. The relative incidences from the SCCS study design were similar to the cohort study design. Within 7 years of follow-up, 131 unvaccinated children and 2117 vaccinated children were diagnosed with epilepsy, 813 diagnosed between 3 and 15 months (2.4 per 1000 person-years) and 1304 diagnosed later in life (1.3 per 1000 person-years). After vaccination, children had a lower risk of epilepsy between 3 and 15 months (HR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.50-0.79) and a similar risk for epilepsy later in life (HR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.66-1.56) vs unvaccinated children.

Conclusions DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccination was associated with an increased risk of febrile seizures on the day of the first 2 vaccinations given at 3 and 5 months, although the absolute risk was small. Vaccination with DTaP-IPV-Hib was not associated with an increased risk of epilepsy.

Source: JAMA, 2012;307(8):823-831.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

#Monsanto Are Killing The Bees.

Soon to be whistleblower who worked for Monsanto will be releasing documents detailing how Monsanto planned to kill off bee colonies in order to introduce a “new and improved” species of bee that will only pollinate Monsanto crops

Monsanto buys company researching death of bees:
And for those who said crops aren’t pollinated by bees? You’re wrong. Alfalfa is. blog.targethealth.com/?p=58

And if you think Monsanto isn’t dominating our government? Read
some cables released by wikileaks all about our officials asking for talking points from them, our ambassadords urging trade wars on their behalf:


Anonymous said...

This could be the cause of the unexplained disappearance of bees

cellphone towers basically? Not so says the next comment. Bees do fine away from agriculture in towns and cities where sprays are not used. There are mobile phone towers all around. This commenter actually keeps bees....read more


Monday, January 23, 2012

Donald #Rumsfeld #HOAX - Making A Fortune On Bird And Swine Flu Vaccine (December 2011 Update)

For the first time the researchers have been able to mutate the H5N1 strain of avian influenza so that it can be transmitted easily through the air in coughs and sneezes. Until now, it was thought that H5N1 bird flu could only be transmitted between humans via very close physical contact.

Dutch scientists carried out the controversial research to discover how easy it was to genetically mutate H5N1 into a highly infectious "airborne" strain of human flu. They believe that the knowledge gained will be vital for the development of new vaccines and drugs.
But critics say the scientists have endangered the world by creating a highly dangerous form of flu which could escape from the laboratory — as well as opening a Pandora's box for fanatical terrorists wishing to make a bio-weapon.
The H5N1 strain of avian influenza has killed hundreds of millions of birds since it first appeared in 1996, but has so far infected only about 600 people who came into direct contact with infected poultry.
What makes H5N1 so dangerous, though, is that it has killed about 60 per cent of those it has infected, making it one of the most lethal known forms of influenza in modern history — a deadliness moderated only by its inability (so far) to spread easily through airborne water droplets.
Scientists are in little doubt that the newly created strain of H5N1 — resulting from just five mutations in two key genes — has the potential to cause a devastating human pandemic that could kill tens of millions of people. ...
The study was carried out by a Dutch team of scientists led by Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, where the mutated virus is stored under lock and key, but without armed guards, in a basement building.
Dr Fouchier ... [said] that it only took a small number of mutations to change the avian flu virus into a form that could spread more easily between humans.
"We have discovered that this is indeed possible, and more easily than previously thought.

In the laboratory, it was possible to change H5N1 into an aerosol-transmissible virus that can easily be rapidly spread through the air," Dr Fouchier said. "This process could also take place in a natural setting. We know which mutation to watch for in the case of an outbreak and we can then stop the outbreak before it is too late.  [Yeah, sure!]  Furthermore, the finding will help in the timely development of vaccinations and medication."...read more



Sunday, January 22, 2012

#SwineFlu Hoax - Mass Manadatory Vaccination Coming Up ?

#England #SwineFlu HOAX (2009) To Enable RUMSFELD To Move His Product

Preparations are under way to create mass graves to cope with a second outbreak of swine flu in the autumn.

The government plans, outlined in a Home Office document, warn that a burial site may need to be created to cope with the potential crisis.

The proposals, discussed at a meeting of Whitehall officials and council leaders last month, will affect those areas where there may not be enough graves for victims of the illness.

Within weeks of a full-blown pandemic, the number of burials could more than double and inner city areas “may experience a shortage of grave space”, according to the report.

The Framework for Planners Preparing to Manage Deaths — a 59-page document — discusses using “a grave that is for a number of unrelated persons, excavated mechanically in advance and designed for efficient preparation and use.”

It said this approach would create a “burial site for multiple graves and consecutive burials” but added there must still be “marking of the position of individual burials”.

It added that some cemeteries “may experience shortage of grave space, in particular in inner city areas”.

Freight containers and “inflatable” storage units may be needed to provide extra mortuary space. But it stated that “refrigerated vehicles and trailers should not be used”.

During the meeting, in which a senior official from Westminster council, gave a presentation, officials discussed the need for cemeteries and crematoriums to work seven days a week and the hiring of extra staff to cope.

The report also warned there may be a need for more “basic and shorter services at the chapel” or for “memorial services” to be held at a person's home instead.

Whitehall officials are also speaking to coffin makers to see if they could meet demands.

Retired doctors may also be called back to work to issue death certificates so GPs can focus on patients.

According to the document it may no longer be possible to bury some people in family plots and it may also become impossible to fly home the bodies of Britons who die abroad.

Meanwhile, NHS Blood and Transplant appealed to the public to give blood to avoid stocks being reduced over the autumn and winter as regular donors fall ill with swine flu. People cannot give blood when they have flu so it is important to keep the blood banks well stocked, it warned.

* London schoolgirl who almost died with swine flu while on holiday in Greece has left hospital. Natasha Newman, 16, from Highgate, spent six weeks in hospital in Athens after falling ill on a family trip to Cephalonia. She will return to Britain at the weekend.


#Rumsfeld #BirdFlu Hoax is Back On The Table...

The story ran back in 2005.  We all need to remember that the pandemic card is played over and over and over for a variety of reasons.  One of the top reason's is to scare the living daylights out of everyone and socially condition you to expect the inevitable. 

BUT the only interest is to make billions of dollars as well as selling TONS of these bogus drugs to the Federal Government.

#BirdFlu Hoax : #Tamiflu Who Owns The Rights ? The Answer May Shock You !

We bring to the attention of Global Research readers this important commentary by Dr.Joseph Mercola.

The fundamental issue is who owns the intellectual property rights over  Tamiflu. The media reports suggest that the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche will make billions.

While the drug is produced by Roche, it was developed by Gilead Sciences Inc.which owns the intellectual property rights. Gilead, which has maintained a low profile,  has outsourced the production to Roche.

Donald Rumsfeld was appointed Chairman of Gilead Sciences, Inc. in 1997, a position which he held in the years prior to becoming Secretary of Defense.in the Bush adminstration.  Rumsfeld had been on the Board of Directors from the establishment of Gilead in 1987.

As confirmed in a company press statement in 1997, Donald H. Rumsfeld assumed the position of Chairman, of GILEAD: :

"Gilead is fortunate to have had Don Rumsfeld as a stalwart board member since the company's earliest days, and we are very pleased that he has accepted the Chairmanship," Dr. Riordan said. "He has played an important role in helping to build and steer the company. His broad experience in leadership positions in both industry and government will serve us well as Gilead continues to build its commercial presence."

According to company statement: Gilead Science Inc "has been active in the development of  inhibitors for the potential treatment and prevention of viral influenza and protease inhibitors for the potential treatment of HIV"

"The Company's research and development efforts encompass three interrelated programs: small molecule antivirals, cardiovascular therapeutics and genetic code blockers for cancer and other diseases. Gilead's expertise in each of these areas has also resulted in the discovery and development of non-nucleotide product candidates, including neuraminidase inhibitors for the potential treatment and prevention of viral influenza and protease inhibitors for the potential treatment of HIV"

Also find below an article published in the SF Chronicle, which points to the relationship between GILEAD and Roche in relation to the Rights over Tami Flu.


#Roche #Tamiflu :CHILLING:Rumsfeld/Tamiflu Profited From Avian Flu Hoax~BIO-TERRORISM = PROFIT

Warner Bros. teamed with Tamiflu (Roche Pharmaceuticals)

iN 2009 Tamiflu sales had ballooned to 3.2
billion francs, including 1.2 billion in the last quarter alone,
as governments around the world stockpiled the drug as their
most effective defence against the swine flu pandemic.

US: 3 March 2010 -- As of 12 February 2010, According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is estimated* that since the beginning of the pandemic, the US has had approximately 57 million cases of A-H1N1/09 Pandemic Swine Flu and approximately 11,690 resulting deaths. Based upon this, an estimate of the mortality rate in the US from the pandemic is 0.02%.


#BirdFlu - #H5NI - MANMADE VIRUS ?

BEIJING - A man in southwest China who contracted the bird flu virus died on Sunday, state media reported, the second human death in the Asian country from the virulent disease in just under a month.

The victim fell ill on January 6 and was subsequently admitted to hospital in Guiyang - capital of Guizhou province - where his condition rapidly deteriorated, the official Xinhua news agency said.

Tests confirmed he had contracted the H5N1 avian influenza virus, it added.
The Hong Kong Department of Health said in a statement Sunday it had been notified of the case by the mainland's health authorities, which said the 39-year-old patient had not had any obvious exposure to poultry.

He is the second man to die from bird flu in China in less than a month, after a bus driver in the southern province of Guangdong passed away from the disease on December 31.

The H5N1 virus is fatal in humans in about 60 percent of cases.

However, it does not pass easily among humans, and the World Health Organization says it has never identified a "sustained human-to-human spread" of the virus since it re-emerged in 2003.
