Monday, March 5, 2012

#Glaxo :#Pandemrix -Social Minister promises compensation to narcoleptic children

Controversial vaccination
Published: söndag 12 februari kl 13:10 , Radio Sweden
Children and teenagers who developed narcolepsy after being administered the swine flu vaccination will be given compensation, Social Minister Göran Hägglund today told Swedish Radio News. The statement comes after parents of the affected demanded compensation from the government today.
More than 150 children are believed to be affected after receiving the Pandemrix vaccine. Parent Thomas Norberg thinks more families may come forward after a series of reports on the vaccination drive in the daily Svenska Dagbladet.

When medical company GlaxoSmithKline sold the vaccine to the Swedish health authorities it signed off responsibility for any future side effects, which means any claim for compensation is a matter for the Swedish state.

Social Minister Göran Hägglund told Swedish Radio News that "there will be some kind of compensation but we are still looking at the details".
