MB Comment: The CDC admits that 10% of kids who have a first seizure can develop epilepsy. Epilepsy is also common in autism. Here we have an article discussing the Vaccine Journal linking seizures in young children to the flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine. Parents should consider the risk of their children getting permanent neurological damage from vaccines before consenting to the needle thrust on them by their pediatrician. Most pediatricians are ignorant of this risk or won’t admit to it when they are pushing their money-making vaccines in brief so-called well child visits.
The findings have not prompted any change in the federal recommendations for flu and pneumococcal vaccination in young children, but federal officials called for warnings to healthcare providers and parents, according to the discussion article. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended the warnings after a subcommittee studied the data.
The prescribing information for Fluzone TIV was updated for this season to include “febrile convulsions” in the postmarketing experience section, says the report, and the Vaccine Information Statement for TIV was updated to include similar information. The package insert for PCV13 notes that febrile seizures were seen in vaccinees during prelicensure clinical trials, the article says.’..read more